INHALE® increases your cardiac efficiency by either slowing your heart rate or increasing blood oxygen levels - whichever makes you more efficient.
Increases VO2 Max by providing your cells with direct energy in form of immediately bio-available Oxygen

Ingredients: Water
Other ingredients: NADA, ZERO, ZILCH.
There’s never anything else in here.
We are literally as pure as the driven snow.
There’s never anything else in here.
We are literally as pure as the driven snow.

The Power
Studies have shown 60% of athletes improved their power and increased maximal oxygen uptake
30% – 50%
Increase in oxygen utilization
Increase VO2 max while drinking INHALE
45% – 55%
Increase ratio of ATP

4X Faster
Breath Recovery
7X More Oxygen
Than Normal Water
Cardiovascular Support
95% Pure
Supplemental Oxygen

7x the oxygen of normal water and nothing else. Your complete solution for health, wellness and performance.
Run longer
Increased endurance
Enhanced Cognitive Capacity
Reduced lactic acid
Increased VO2 Max Output
Increases Oxygen Utilization
Increase in time to exhaustion
Increases anaerobic threshold